Happy Monday, Peeps!
You know, stalking is a tough job. One of the toughest, if you ask me. I mean, I'm ALWAYS on my J.O.B., scouring the internet, scanning the streets, etc. all to bring to light the hottest of the hot. I practically eat, sleep and breath Hot Male Alert. It is indeed a tough job, but, sigh, someone's gotta do it. And oooh, don't you worry, I do it, with extreme pleasure.
The overall reward, though, is having the good fortune to catch glimpses of some of the most beautiful male specimens the world at large has to offer!! ...And let the congregation say "AMEN!" Problem is, even with all the investiga-tory probing that I conduct, sometimes my powers of the stalk come up with little to no vital stat information. LAME! However, it just wouldn't be fair not to share such yumminess even it remains nameless. That would be like me walking down the street, seeing a hot guy, and NOT whipping my head around in a style quite reminiscent of Linda Blair in The Exorcist. No, no, no, that just would not do.
So, today's juicy tidbit: HAVE NO CLUE WHAT HIS NAME IS!!! Came across him thanks to our friends over at Another Guy Blog (anotherguyblog.blogspot.com). Don't know how old he, how tall he is, how much he weighs, what he does for a living, what his favorite color is, if he'd prefer my legs wrapped around his waist OR thrown over his shoulders while getting down to the business of lovin', don't know a single thing about him. Don't know...and frankly don't care. What I DO know is more than enough. And what do we know about Anonymous Sexy #1, kids??? Say it with me, now: "HE'S BEEEEEEEEAAAAUTIFUL!!" Just look at him. As an added fun activity, I like to stare at him and pretend like I'm tracing the outline of his muscles with my tongue. Feel free to follow suit.
Let's talk a moment of silence for the anonymous sexiness that is [insert name here]!
Stalk on!
P.S. If you know this man, and would like to share details with the class, please email me at hotmalealert@gmail.com. Please and thank you.
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