Happy Monday, Peeps!!
Today, I'm indulging my male model fetish. And, luckily, male model hotness tends to speaks for itself.
Today's juicy tidbit: DAVID GANDY!!!
British model taking the industry by storm. Rightfully so, since this guy's got the Tall, Dark and Handsome thing down to a science and is hotter than a tea kettle. That, and he has an apparent affinity for going nearly nude whenever possible, God bless him. You may recognize him as the scantily clad boy body in the Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue ads. Muy caliente!!! Set the world on fire, David. We can take the heat...
Let's take a moment of silence for the "he-never wears-clothes-but-we-love-it" hotness that is David.
Stalk on!

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