Happy Monday, Peeps!
Hot men, mmmm. What does the word "hot" even mean? Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines the adjective "hot" as "capable of giving a sensation of heat, sexually excited or receptive, and/or sexy", among other definitions. Well, that sounds about right.
What, however, does it mean to YOU in relation to men? What makes one particular guy hot, while the others are not? Does it come down to simply physical attraction, with your heart stopping at a mere glance at his body, face, abs, or eyes? Or is it deeper than that? How much deeper? Do brains, a sense of humor, or good manners completely trump all else in the search for hotness? What is it about men that gets your nether regions all in a tizzy? Inquiring minds want to know.
While you're thinking about that...today's juicy tidbit: WENTWORTH MILLER!! This 37 year old, 6'1 stunner with an immensely diverse ethnic background has been setting panties aflame for years, having starred in the hit Fox series Prison Break. And as of late, Wentworth, a Princeton University graduate with a degree in English Lit and experience singing in a college a capella group [::swoon::], took on the task of kicking asses and taking names on the season premiere of Law & Order: SVU. I can't even tell you how many friends of mine who had seen the episode were overcome with immense joy while telling me about his cameo. But this hottie's been on my radar since way back. He was immortalized on my "Wall of Men" in back in high school, an image of him as a model ripped from the pages of the now deceased YM Magazine and securely taped up along with the others. Looking at that man, with eyes that pierce the soul, who is of African-American, Jamaican, English, German, Russian, French, Jewish, Dutch, AND Lebanese ancestry, never failed to send my core temperature shooting above 98.6 degrees. Still, Mr. Miller was never one to be considered as merely perfunctory...no, no, no... this one's husband material.
Let's take a moment of silence for the well-rounded hotness that is Wentworth.
Stalk on!!
P.S. Soooo, done thinking about what "hot" means to you? Wonderful. Leave a comment below and share with the class....

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