There are only a handful of TV shows that I simply CANNOT miss every week. One of which is True Blood. Maybe its the cute (yet exaggerated) Southern accents that remind me of home in the Dirty South. Maybe its my not-so-secret obsession with all things vampire. Or maybe its a latent desire to be bitten, becoming one of those fabulously sexy creatures that go "bump" in the night. Whatever it is, I just can't get enough of True Blood. The writing is deliciously ridiculous, the cliffhangers are spine-tingling, and the men (Eric, Sam, Jason, and Bill) are OOOOoooo so tasty. So when, at the end of the show's first season, actor Mehcad Brooks was added to the cast rooster as Benedict "Eggs" Talley, I was pleased. Very pleased.
Mehcad is what I would call...succulent. Yes, that word seems to fit him rather nicely. The 28 year old actor has a recognizable face (and body) from his roles on such television shows as Desperate Housewives and CW's The Game as Melanie's rebound guy after the whole devastating break-up with Derwin. That honest, dork-sexy face, that chocolate-y while thunderous voice might have been what initially attracted Melanie and Tara from True Blood, but it is his body, muscle ripples abounding, standing at what I'm guessing to be at least 6ft tall, that practically stupefies me every week. As I watch him woo Tara, layin' that good lovin' down and what not, I sigh a little bit. Oh, what I'd do to live in Bon Temp, even just for a day. If he were a vampire, I'd soo let me bite me. Yes, that's right, I said it: I'd turn fangbanger for him....
Let's take a moment of silence for the blood-thirsty, sex-crazed televised succulence that is Mehcad.
Stalk on!

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